Jan 272014

colorful readers with book!

by Loretta  Hayward
I love everything about good books beautifully bound!

portrait of girl reading
I even love the paintings of people reading books!!

My love for books was a gift to me from my parents
who read books aloud to me and my brother!

christmasstoryThe stories read at Christmas time to the family are my favorite ones today!
Father faithfully read God’s Word to us daily and set our feet on the right paths.

2 children  in the reading chairI love the feeling of holding a beautiful bound book in my lap.

read to little brotherOne of my favorite illustrators,
Jessie Wilcox Smith, illustrates childhood so beautifully!

lady reads treasured bkWhile we lose ourselves in the books we read
we may find ourselves there too!

I love to touch the pages and feel the texture of the paper as I turn  and  explore each one. The scent of the book becomes part of the book’s unique  imprint on my mind. The title, the author, the characters of the story all begin to live and speak to me. The all begin to teach! The illustrations must be accurate to the story and reinforce the adventure’s importance. My hunger to meet real people that have depth of character sharing their  joys, sorrows, and vast experiences with me is more than a gift of love and adventure!
I believe good books are like great friends when they put more heart and purpose into our life!

reading under the tree

Good books can be building blocks  for the learning and making of good people! People filled with good thoughts, wisdom and love for others are also people full of good deeds and walk a path worth following!!

readers made on mom  s lap

Wonderful people have touched my life as I was growing up!  I wish that some of those lives could have been put into print and illustrated so that I may introduce my children to them and their wonderful love for life, their family, home and country!  Family photographs and albums are treasuries and precious reminders of good times spent together. They can so easily be lost as memory fails and  times fade away. The next generation may have features of parents and even grandparents,  with a similar voice and familiar gestures that bring loved ones to mind and warms the heart again!

reading bby jessie smith“We can double the joy of a good story every time we share it!”

(I hope these thoughts I have shared  will  increase your desire to read books that are going to enrich your life and the lives of others that you share them with!   Thank you for respecting our copyright.  Quotations other than my own are properly punctuated and credited with the name of their author. )

“Some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again!”
Louisa May Alcott

  One Response to “The LOVE of Books!”

  1. Books are friends we can share with others!!