Feb 162016

  Our calendar each year is an amazing selection of  pictures Loretta Hayward takes of Garden Gate’s sweet rabbits!
The unique poses of bunnies in the garden, posing at a party, or celebrating the seasons and holidays make this treasured collectible a wonderful gift!

Like a visit to our rabbit park!

In many ways this is a picture portfolio that is a brief glimpse of what a visit to our rabbit park is like!

      Garden Gate’s calendar always has surprises in store! There is much more in the pictures if you are observant. The cute rabbit expressions and various poses let you know how curious the rabbit is, whether he may have been eating a blossom, or is ready to leap into another part of the setting! The various locations of the rabbit park set the stage for a series of events or pictures that may be part of a slide show shared at an event, the next illustrated story shared with visitors to our park or  a rabbit adventure story to be included in the next book of the “On the Banks of Durbin Creek” series!!
Be sure to purchase your own Garden Gate Rabbit Park Calendar to show your love for their work with rabbits and to support the educational rabbit park! All printing is done in the USA with South Carolina printers and makes possible the next calendar to be printed! The best help we get from our family of friends & fans is not only volunteer help but also promoting our books, cards & calendars that we may print more inspiring books each year!

Sep 242012

Meet Miss Poppins!
Posing by our  impatiens blooms is Miss Poppins, our Jersey Wooly.  Of course our rabbits like to look their best for pictures! This is one of over 50 pictures taken during the photo session. It is important to change positions of the rabbit to get pictures with a variety of views. Some views do not have as many blossoms, or the rabbit may start exploring or stop to wash their paws. We never know what to expect!
It is fun to fix a “hare”-do. Thankfully our Jersey Woolies have wonderful fiber fur that is easy to care for and seldom needs brushing. Miss Poppins will not need a hat today. How would you like the polka dot bow? The red one looks great! Can bunnies get any cuter??  I  have an idea. I am going to sketch her picture and maybe make a watercolor illustration!
We enjoy raising many different rabbits here at our rabbit Park. The Jersy Wooly is one of our smaller dwarf rabbits breeds.  This has been a very eventful week with 2 litters born and visitors coming to our park now that the weather is cooler!